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 1. Joe Duncan  Offertory -- Feast of Trumpets -- 2009  COG-FF Sermonettes 
 2. Leroy Neff  The Meaning Of the Feast Of Trumpets  Leroy Neff Sermon Archives 
 3. Leroy Neff  The Meaning Of the Feast Of Trumpets  Leroy Neff Sermon Archives 
 4. Leroy Neff  The Meaning Of the Feast Of Trumpets  Leroy Neff Sermon Archives 
 5. Wayne Blank  The Feast Of Trumpets 2005   
 6. Don Billingsley  The Meaning of the Feast of Trumpets  COG-FF Sermons 
 7. Leroy Neff  The Meaning Of the Feast Of Trumpets  Leroy Neff Sermon Archives 
 8. Jerry Fields  Offertory -- Day of Atonement -- 2009  COG-FF Sermonettes 
 9. Church Music Association of America  Offertory  Sacred Music Colloquium XIX 
 10. Church Music Association of America: Scott Turkington, director  Offertory: Ave Maria  Gregorian Chant Pilgrimage 2009 
 11. Holy Innocents Schola Cantorum  Offertory: Exaltabo te  Ash Wednesday in NYC 
 12. M. Gavin S.J  Ch. 11: The Offertory to the Secret.  The Sacrifice of the Mass 
 13. Aristotle Esguerra, David Hughes, Matthew Williams  7. Offertory: Ave Maria  Mass of Fr. Kevin Lieberman, Matamoras, PA, 2009.08.01 
 14. Holy Innocents Schola Cantorum  Offertory: Factus est Domine  Lent in NYC 
 15. Chanticleer  Easter - Offertory: Jubilate Deo  Mysteria 
 16. Holy Innocents Schola Cantorum - Aristotle Esguerra, director  Offertory: Benedictus es, Domine  Lent in NYC 
 17. Gabriel Faure  Faure: Requiem: Offertory  St Clement's Church: Requiem 
 18. Gabriel Faure  Faure: Requiem: Offertory  St Clement's Church: Requiem 
 19. Holy Innocents Schola Cantorum: Aristotle A. Esguerra, director  Offertory: Recordare, Virgo Mater  Mass of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
 20. M. Gavin S.J.  Ch. 6: Beginning to Offertory - Ordinary of the Mass  The Sacrifice of the Mass 
 21. Holy Innocents Schola Cantorum - Aristotle A. Esguerra, director  Offertory: Domine Deus salutis meae  Gregorian Chant in NYC 
 22. S Clement's Church Choir  Palm Sunday: Palestrina: Offertory: Improperium  Palm Sunday: S Clement's Church 
 23. Holy Innocents Schola Cantorum  Offertory: Domine Deus salutis meae  Lent in NYC 
 24. With Honor  Like Trumpets  This Is Our Revenge   
 25. With Honor  Like Trumpets  This Is Our Revenge   
 26. Atomic Brothers  Dos Trumpets  Atomic Bros VS. Drown Radio 
 27. Flipsyde  Trumpets  We The People   
 28. With Honor  Like Trumpets  This Is Our Revenge   
 29. Flipsyde  Trumpets  We The People   
 30. Zookeeper  03 Trumpets  Becoming All Things 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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